use of a new device to improve the performance of the technical preparation of histological preparations measurement of effectiveness through the lean six-sigma methodology - (Overall Equipment Effectiveness - O.E.E.)

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Valentina Bartolucci
Arianna Costantini
Martina D’Angelo
Maria Chiara Giangarè
Fabrizio De Angelis
Clara Pecorella
Carmelo Lupo
Roberto Virgili


Introduction: By applying the Lean Six Sigma methodology to the technical preparation processes of the Pathological Anatomy laboratory, we have used its tools to measure the benefits associated with the introduction of new technologies that improve the performance of the process.

Objectives: The objective of the study is to demonstrate how the use of a new technology can be measured and highlight its advantages through the tools of the Lean methodology.

Methods: By applying the tools of the "Lean thinking" methodology we used a new technology measuring its effectiveness in order to obtain an improvement in performance, reducing the time for technical set-up.

Results: The application of the Lean methodology and its tools to measure the effectiveness of a new technological solution applied to the technical preparation process of histological samples allowed to reduce the preparation time by 5.7 minutes for every 30 slides cut.

Discussions: The changes made to the process through the use of this new technological device have allowed an increase in production in the same unit of time by reducing set up and changeover times with an increase in the performance percentage of 5.39%

Conclusions: The possibility of using the tools of the Lean methodology to measure the effectiveness of technological tools made available by the industrial world in Pathological Anatomy processes has a positive impact on laboratory performance both in terms of efficiency, with increased productivity, and in terms of lower clinical risk, with a lower risk of tissue loss due to the operations of bringing the inclusions closer to the cutting plane.


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How to Cite
Bartolucci, V., Costantini, A., D’Angelo, M., Giangarè, M.C., De Angelis, F., Pecorella , C., Lupo , C. and Virgili, R. 2023. use of a new device to improve the performance of the technical preparation of histological preparations: measurement of effectiveness through the lean six-sigma methodology - (Overall Equipment Effectiveness - O.E.E.). Italian Journal of Prevention, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine. 6, 4 (Dec. 2023), 27-33. DOI:


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